Thankful is a choice.
Daily. With every moment.
It’s a practice.
This article is not about Thanksgiving Day but rather every day.
It’s about the big things, like a new baby, a job promotion, and a new love. They are so easy to be thankful for.
It is the little things, though, that get overlooked and are rarely appreciated that should be celebrated.
A hot cup of coffee, a dog to greet you when you walk through the door, and taking 5 minutes to put your feet up on the ottoman in front of you… because you are blessed enough to have an ottoman sitting before you.
It’s taking the time to smell a big old pine tree when you walk, pulling warm covers up tight around your neck on a cold night, and walking barefoot in the grass.
It’s being thankful for your feet to carry you where you need to go. It’s appreciating your hands that you get to wash when they are sticky after eating a warm chocolate chip cookie right out of the oven.
It’s thinking about all you have rather than what you don’t.
It’s a choice—every day.
Being thankful is a practice of being strong enough to find good in something… anything.
It starts by recognizing the beauty of warm sunlight streaming through a dining room window, chasing your shadows away.
And it ends with being thankful that you have you...
Be thankful. Today.
Happy Thanksgiving, every day.
With love,