Anyone who knows me understands that every Sunday from the weekend after Labor Day until the first Sunday in February I am tuned into what time my football team plays. Do I dare tell you which team it is?
Now that I am in New York, it’s quite challenging to see my home team play. The local networks choose to follow the Giants, Jets and Bills… not so easy for this New England fan. Hmm… who has the NFL Ticket?
I know, boo, hiss, from most of you who aren’t New Englanders. Trust me, I recognize that we are a team that has created a football dynasty but will always be tainted by “Deflate-gate.” You can take the girl out of New England, but you can’t take New England out of the girl.
But I am not here to tell you about that…
Instead, I am here to tell you why I love the game so much, which will also help you understand why I haven’t abandoned my team. In an era where football is scrutinized for its safety issues, the controversial player choices involving our national flag, and the questions about the overall integrity of the NFL, I thought that I would share my reasons as to why it is still important to me — and also thought that maybe some of you will be able to relate. I can’t be the only football fan out there…!
Reason #1: Getting through a wall of defense
Football is mostly watched from above, which gives a great outlook on the schematics of the plays. You can see where players make the downs and where they lose them and view the overall creativity in orchestrating the team to make it all happen. When staring down a defensive wall of strength and power it’s scary and exhilarating—at least from my living room it is, never mind down on the field.
Did it ever occur to you that we do this every day? We are always working to get past a wall of defense. Many times constructing them ourselves preventing even the best offensive line from getting through. Much like life, a football game is about overcoming the obstacles. Obstacles that come at us every day, presenting themselves as challenging people, financial problems, physical limitations, ourselves… It’s chaos and confusion that pushes and swings it’s way into our lives. Lots of stop and go, restarts, time-outs, cheers, boos, punts, and even an occasional Hail Mary. It takes creativity, tenacity, grit, and patience to conquer and get past.
Reason #2: Team
I also believe that whether it’s football, baseball, local, national, or any kind of team—it’s important to have one. Team brings people together…people who wouldn’t necessarily see things the same. When I am walking down the street, anywhere, anytime, if I see a Patriot’s hat or shirt I am the first one to say, “I like your shirt,” or pump my fist with a “Go Pats!” There is an instantaneous connection and a smile that gets us both out of our own heads. You have to admit, it is pretty fun!
Reason #3: Ups and Downs—Stick with them
Another observation I have made is that a team’s win and loss cycle mirrors the ups and downs in life. The successes, the challenges, confusion about where you are going to go with the “ball,” bad choices (Deflate-gate), good choices, embarrassments, and accolades. Through thick and thin, you stick with your team. Just like you stick with your children, just like you stick with yourself… through it all. Time marches on, lessons are learned, and we get up, wipe ourselves off and move on and do better next time. And that is why I am still with you Patriots…your stuck with me. 🙂
Reason #4 Memories
And last, but certainly not least, is that football has been and continues to be about time when my family gathers together. There’s nothing like a fireplace and a football game on a Sunday afternoon. Oh what fond memories I have; toasty fire, sprawling bodies, my grandparents, parents and sisters; good food and the roar of the fans in the football stadium filling the family room.
Football. For the highs and the lows. The lessons. The Spirit. And bringing us all together.
Go Pats!