GREENWICH, N.Y. — Can you dig it? I hope so! Bring your shovels, a strong back, and garden gloves, because we are going to get dirty and garden hard!
Remember that “little” project that we had started working on back earlier this spring? Well, it is going to need your help VERY soon!

We are getting close to an all out launch and it’s getting exciting!!
The video has been made, and it will soon launch with our crowdfunding campaign — are you ready?
The campaign to get The Daily Dirt off the ground is going to run through IndieGoGo. Do you know what a campaign like this is about?
Crowdfunding campaigns provide a way for business owners, seasoned and unseasoned, to raise capital to launch their ideas and products to the world.
The Morning Ag Clips has been clicking away for 12 successful years. And we are ready to take another step to help our gardening friends become more knowledgeable and excited about their own gardening projects.
The Daily Dirt will be a gardeners quick one-two resource for knowledge and news as it pertains to one of their favorite pastimes and ways of life: gardening!
But! We are going to need your help to support this huge financial undertaking!
So get ready to share, get ready to consider, and help us “sow our seed!”
Take part, and help us excite gardeners, everywhere!
Ready, set, click! Coming soon!

Twitter: (@DailyDirt4)