It’s time for the fair! And getting Jacob George to Michigan State! Once this hits your inbox, cows will be moving to the fairgrounds, the haylage will be judged, and the final load of laundry will be drying. There will have been some tearful goodbyes, registration papers will have been checked, and the car will be packed and ready to head to East Lansing, Michigan.
Is it possible to have anymore going on in a week??? Oh whoops, I almost forgot, the highschool golf season is upon us and Sam starts his practices this week–while managing a heavy load at the fair.
Below is a piece I wrote years ago. It was prompted because one of the FFA leaders was looking for a garden gnome to complete their display at the fair. The request gave me pause to think and recollect all of the silly things that different fair displays and booths, over the years, have required.
The hoops and handstands we go through to make for the perfect fair display causes me to scratch my head and wonder why. Does the public even notice?!?!?
T-minus 1 day to go 🙂 I wonder what crazy things are trying to be found still on this eve before the start of the 2023 fair?
Happy Washington County Fair, folks! Stop by Barn 4; we will be there! Unless we are at Michigan State checking in!

Calling All Gnomes.
WANTED FOR HIRE: Gnome. Garden variety. Must be at least 1 foot tall, but no higher than 2.
Should be comfortable with large crowds.
Willing to work for one week for fair passes. After one week of active duty, gnome must be content sitting in an obscure box, stuck somewhere in a dark corner of a barn, not to see the light of day for 347 days or so, when the box is pulled out before the next fair. Gnome will either be re-hired or discarded in another dusty corner with miscellaneous unused parts and pieces of past displays that will be considered again for hire the following year. Date to be determined annually.
Must be comfortable on long, hot days and willing to sit quietly under a heavy film of dust. Not adverse to extreme in-climate weather like torrential downpours and high winds that bring crowds into buildings.
Applications may be submitted in the FFA Farmland Building at the Washington County Fair.
Please inquire immediately.
Application deadline: Now.
Start date: As soon as possible, or at the very latest, the start of the fair, Monday, August 22nd, by 5 pm.
Fair passes will be provided to other gnome family members.