
Winter on the Farm ...

Let the Snow Come Down

Peaceful February 2, 2025

A farm is different in the winter. 

Quiet falls all around.

The big white flakes drop silently as steam rises in the freestall.

The fields are still. The tops of cut-off cornstalks peek out under a tent of snow; the field mice and voles nestled down in the dead root systems to escape the winter cold.

Hunkering down, watching out the window, staring into the quiet as a storm comes in…and the snow begins.

I feel cozy.

Nature rests and prepares for spring on these short days. It’s allowed.

During the winter days, the farm office is steady.

Planning, it’s time to look at the books and forecast before the coming season. Run the numbers, buy the seed.  Contract for fertilizer and set up meetings with consultants.

There is no push to get out and work the fields.  There is no rush to get in a tractor seat.

The farm in winter.

The machinery shop is a buzz servicing all of the equipment.

Ordering parts, replacing hoses, and the grease guns stay busy. A salesperson hovers at the door with the latest tractor model information, a sales quote, and cookies.

The end of the day comes early as darkness ascends.

Tall boots, Carhartt bibs, and sweatshirts hanging on hooks, drying.  

A stoked wood stove and the smoky smell of wood as we come in from the cold.

Bread is baking in the oven, and a warm stew is simmering on the stove.

In front of the fire is a recliner, beckoning for a farmer…and a lazy old farm dog snoring on the floor.

Let the snow come down…it’s winter on the farm.


With love,

