Chocolate Cheer and Cheese


Hail to hot Krispy Kreme Donuts!! My simple pleasure!!

#yum #justmysweettooth #donuts @krispykreme

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Too Funny!

#lol #funny M&M'S USA #justmysweettooth

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My Sunday morning my Kings donuts!

#justmysweettooth #sweetthooth #sundaymood #justmekate

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Candy corn sundae anyone?

#candycorn #candysundae #holloween #november #halloweeninnovember #sweettooth #yummy #love #leftovercandy #justmysweettooth

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Family and Friends


“I love being with my kids—so very grateful—“

#familytrip #kids #beautifulsunsets #justmekate #morningagclips #butwemissthedog! #justmyfam #travel

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Good Morning! Happy New Year! From my family to yours 🙂

This is what I am thinking about today: Responsibility. Specifically, how it is going to carry us through the new year.

I am going to go back to New Years Day when a friend of mine brought to my attention an observation that they made. I was very calm, allowing my 16-year-old to chauffeur my 12 and 19-year-old from a New Year’s Eve party at 1 in the morning, on a very foggy New Year’s Eve night.

It was true, I was. In fact, there was no hesitation, only in the sense that I told him to be very careful when he left–but I always do that.

Read More at Link in Bio


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Here comes fall!
Tyler Ziehm is off to Purdue and doing great, I am so happy that he is there.

And now, all of us can get back into life. It seems to have been on pause all summer as we geared up for this big change.

But now, my focus turns to the big, end-of-summer event: The FAIR!

It’s been 2 years! Have we forgotten how to do it??

The kids are excited, and memories of all the work are quickly coming back to the parents.

It feels different, yet the same.
Link in bio to read more!

#justmyfam #purdue #leaving #college #freshman

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“We are here! Here’s to the next 4 years as a Boilermaker! Hello Purdue!”

#purdue #college #freshman #firstyear #justmyfam #ag #agriculture

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#didyouknow that #nationalicecream month ends tomorrow? One more day to celebrate!

#icecream #justmyfam #dairy #dairyfarm

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#flashbackfriday to this past weekend! Love spending time with family!

#golf #golfing #justmyfam

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Happy National Puppy Day to the Queen Bee of the office!!

#nationalpuppyday #dogsorinstagram #dog #Puppy #officedog #justmyfourthchild #patriots #football

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This is what a gray Sunday looks like in Trixie’s world.. clearly a rough life 😊. #justmyfourthchild#snoozpup#justmekate#ilovemydogsomuch#happygraysunday! ...

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First day of school: “where did my kids go?”

#firstdayofschool #school #justmyfourthchild

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Two peas in a pod

#justmyfam #trixie #dogsofinstagram #officedog #boymom #dogmom #workfromhome #justmyfourthchild

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Nice snowy walk with my girl tonight. We are going to start this year off right. Here’s to back to work Monday! Go get it!
#snowyevening#gearingupforMonday#loveasnowynight#justmekate#Lovemydog#morningagclips #justmyfourthchild

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Kate’s Faves


“I love farming, I love NH— this bumper sticker works perfectly!”

#bumper #newhampshire #farm @americanfarmbureau #ag #bumpersticker #funny #justmyfaves

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“Catherine, why have we never heard you play the piano?”

Piano playing has always been a great hobby of mine. Sitting down to play is relaxing and challenging all at the same time. It oddly serves as a connection with my family too. However, playing the piano is not something that I easily share with others. And this is why …

I was in the 5th grade.
Link in Bio to read more #justmyfaves

11 1

"It's National Polka Dot Day! I got mine on, you got yours?"

#lovemypolkadotshoes #perfectcombo #nationalpolkadotday #justmekate #morningagclips #getyourdotson #justmyfaves

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Boden meets Duluth Trading Co. A perfect union!

#duluthtradingco #clothing #fashion #farm #heels #dressingup #work #workingfromhome #justmyfaves

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Just My Desk


We couldn't be more proud of Jacob!

👍Tap the link in our bio and search "New York Farm Bureau Names 2023 State Scholarship Winners” to read more about it!

#justmykid #justmychild #justmydesk #justmekate #farmbureau #newyork #ny #morningagclips #agriculturenews #farmandhome #agriculturelife #agricultureeducation #farms #dairyfarmersofamerica #farmerslife #farmerproblems #ag365 #agriculturelife🌱 #localfarm #farm365 #ruralamerica #agvocate #agchat #lifeonthefarm #farmlifestyle #aglifestyle #farmland #farmnews #farmerslife #agdaily

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Just me and my girl Steph headed out for another early morning meeting. Here we come, New Hampshire maple!#welovewinter#5amrocks#justmekateandsteph#justmydesk ...

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Sometimes you just have to sit with paper and pencil and start writing! #justmydesk#justmekate#loveasharppencil#callmeold-fashion ...

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Did you know that I was a judge for "Best NY Burger"?

New York Beef Council asked a simple question in April, “Who has the ‘Best NY Burger”’? After many nominations, votes and debate this question has been answered through the taste buds of consumers and the final tasting efforts of four judges from around New York State!

The 2021 “Best NY Burger” Winner is Syracuse’s Ale `n Angus Pub, with their newly created, specifically for this competition “Hot `n Smokey Candied Bacon Burger”!
#burger #contest #NY #newyork #mayisbeefmonth #beef #justmydesk

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Working lunch
ag clips style

#cheese #supportfarmers
#supportagriculture #charcuterieboard #whatsforlunch #justmydesk

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The Garden


Love my sunflowers. This one is 10 feet tall!

#sunflower #flower #garden #justmyflowers #10feet #growing

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Love this time of year!

#flowers #justmyflowers #cute #beautiful #sunflower

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Can you feel the rays of #sunshine through the picture? Or smell the #lilac?
#summer #justmyflowers #flowers

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The newest addition to the rose garden... meet “Peach!”

#justmyflowers #rose #peach #spring #summer #love #summertime #cute #beautiful

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Vision Board
