
Can you relate?

True Story: Mom & Sam

I own it September 8, 2024

Me: “Boo, I am detoxing today.”

Sam: “You’re what?!”

Me: “Detoxing… from all the crud I have eaten over the last 2 weeks at the fair and camp. I feel like a slug, I need to get rid of all the sugar and salt.”

Sam: “Okay.”

5 minutes later

Sam: “Mom!” (smile with an eye roll)

Mom: “What?” (sheepish grin)

Sam: “Seriously? I thought you were “detoxing”?

Mom: “Ummm… (sheepish grin again)… I was… (as I giggle)… I just needed to get rid of these Bit-O-Honey candies first.” I shove the unwrapped candy in my mouth.


Dear god, it’s the story of my life. Sugar. I love it!!!

It takes an act of Congress for me to remember every day that I need to cut it way, way, way back.

Oh well…sigh. Bit-O-Honeys, gone…I bought a bag of candy corn pumpkins last night at the grocery store.

What is wrong with me?!?!?!

Poor Sam… (shake my head, grinning)

Here’s to sugar! Here’s to Monday!

With love,

