I had a glorious Friday! I took a drive to NH to cover the Governor’s Tree Tapping Ceremony in Temple at Connolly Brother’s Dairy Farm. Paired with a lunch date afterward with my parents, it made for such a lovely day–it was like coming out from under the cloak of a long, dark winter.
I was pleasantly surprised by the address that Governor Chris Sununu gave and the encouraging words as he tied them to sugaring season, “…in NH the sign that winter is over is when the sap runs…symbolic to the lifting away of a pandemic.”
There was much more to his speech that I can’t do justice to but it encouraged us all to think big, think positive, and be joyful.
I thought about his statements as I managed the feelings that I was having on Friday.
It was a joy to be out on a beautiful sunny day in March. Joy to have the wind blowing, and to see a crowd of people all happy to be kicking off the maple season.
There was a joy walking up the muddy farm driveway.
I felt joy at seeing a governor who was engaging, milling around just like one of the crowd, and a joy that the sap was running and syrup was being made.
The sun on my windshield, a visit with my parents, I too, felt the “lifting” that the governor was referring to.
We took our time for granted before the pandemic. It was rush, rush, rush, go, go, go. So much so that we never really had a chance to find joy in all of the little things, day-to-day.

Do you think it’s possible to not go back to that?
I certainly hope to be more mindful at what I say “yes” to, and not feel so guilty about saying “no.”
To find a balance between happily busy and overwhelmingly booked. It’s going to be like a balance of sap flow–which there never is any. But RO’s certainly help!
I am full of hope as the sap runs out of the trees, yet tinged with a fear that it might be overwhelming.
The veil is lifting, spring is in the air, and I too, am looking forward to getting back out into the world–just as the crocuses are ready to pop out of the ground.
And I am going to savor every moment, carefully.
Here’s to warmer days, the smell of mud, and making maple syrup!
With love,