
It’s the holidays

First Dog Across the Finish Line

Run, run, run December 1, 2024

Thanksgiving 2024 is officially in the books, and the 2024 Christmas season is in full swing!

It was a good Thanksgiving, full of family, laughs, and snow this year!  

I truly enjoy Thanksgiving. Unlike Christmas, there isn’t the underlying stress of shopping, decorating, party planning, and wrapping.

Trixie and I may have been the first dog and 54th human across the finish line for the Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot, but I can assure you we won’t be first when it comes to having Christmas signed, sealed, and delivered.

My girl and I are not shoppers.  No, sirree Bob!  We would much rather be out chasing squirrels, walking, swimming, or watching the passers-by while enjoying a hot cup of coffee.

Trixie and I aren’t even mediocre planners.  We are much happier rolling by the seat of our pants–every day! 

Unfortunately, the above qualities are crucial for successfully navigating the Christmas holiday. Ugh, I have so been set up for failure.

I vow to be better every year, but I am not. Although, I must say, the buckeyes always get made (I love to bake and eat), and the real Christmas tree is happily cut and brought into the house early (it’s a task sort of like stacking wood!). Both are things I enjoy.

Can I hire a personal shopper or organizer? I could, but unfortunately, that would require much more money than I can afford. I could also take some time off to get it under control, but I like to work and need to work to pay for Christmas! 

So, three weeks and counting.  The timer has started. It’s a race to the finish line!

And in case you missed it last Wednesday, Morning Ag Clips now has an online store. This is for people like me, who prefer a click to an outing to do my shopping. I guarantee we have a few things for the farmers in your life that will give them a smile.  Click here!

Have a great start to your December.  Let’s get to it!  Race to the finish line!

With love,

