
Polish the silver

Cheers to the Holiday Party!

And put on your best dress December 18, 2022

It’s the clinking of glasses, the spread of amazing food, and the twinkling candle light nestled in nooks all over the warmly lit house. It can be one of the most magical times of the year.

Last night we had the office Christmas party, here at my house.  Unfortunately we didn’t have the entire Morning Ag Clips crew, but we had most!  8 out of the 11, not too bad Team!

We had a lot of fun and it makes me think about how lucky I am to have such great people to work with everyday.  Funny (we laugh a lot), considerate, and compassionate.  Some of the most important qualities that make up a good team.  Thank you!

But getting back to the Christmas party…I think it’s part of what makes the holiday season special.  We get out of our groove a few weeks every year, dress it up a bit inside the house, dress it up on the outside of our person, and throw our change in a donation bucket at the cash register when we buy all of the ice and good cheer.  And it feels really good!

We drink a few fun cocktails, eat a ton of carbohydrates, and smile a little bit more.  For me it’s a triple win!

And of course, what would a holiday gathering be without a Yankee Swap!  I must say, and I don’t want to reveal too many secrets, Brittany walked away with the best gift this year… 😉 

Here’s to the week before Christmas!  Time to get it bought, wrapped, and under the tree.  Bake, cook, and plan!  It’s the home stretch my fellow mother comrades!  Let’s face it, we are all running around like our hair is on fire!  Find comfort in knowing that you are not alone.  Just embrace it, succumb to the fact that you will miss something, but it’s okay.  🙂 

So, cheers to the holiday party!  And here’s a toast for the holiday season! 

“May you stay healthy, and keep it all in perspective. Remember, it’s not about the amount or buying the most expensive gift, it’s about being thoughtful—and that comes in many more forms than any gift that could ever be bought.” 

With Christmas love and cheer!

