


The Role of Mother

May 14, 2023

15 years ago, being a mother was doing tubs in the kitchen sink and then tucking three little boys into their beds every night.  Now it’s a “Mom, I am home” at 1 in the morning after they have come in from being out with their friends. I think about all the days I balanced a child on my hip while I made supper or filled sippy cups…


Letting Go and Sending Off

April 25, 2021

And they are off! It was a year late, Covid Style, but FINALLY, there was a prom, and Tyler got to celebrate with his classmates. Complete with masks and social distancing, it was an event! Most of the big day was spent making the farm bus, prom friendly. Used around the farm for carrying parts and tools out to the field crew, Tyler decided it would be great…