And they are off!
It was a year late, Covid Style, but FINALLY, there was a prom, and Tyler got to celebrate with his classmates. Complete with masks and social distancing, it was an event!
Most of the big day was spent making the farm bus, prom friendly. Used around the farm for carrying parts and tools out to the field crew, Tyler decided it would be great to take to the prom.
With a thorough cleaning, painted rims, window paint, and “carpet” it didn’t come out too bad. We did our best given such short notice (about 6 hours).
No one really had that much faith that the prom was actually going to happen. With every letter emailed from the administration and each phone call from the school, we all thought it was sure to be the one that was going to shut the whole thing down. Everyone was dragging their feet a bit at planning for just that reason.
“Go” time with the bus came at about 8 o’clock the morning of prom. Thankfully, the cousins jumped in, the aunts and uncle came to the rescue and we were able to take one REALLY dirty farm bus and make it into the “Belle of the Ball” at the Greenwich Prom.
Tyler and his date looked so good, and we had great fun seeing kids that we hadn’t seen in over a year all dressed up. How they have grown, I barely recognized some of them!
With the bus complete, and a traditional gathering of the prom-goers at the village gazebo, the friends were picked up and chauffeured to the school, farm bus style.

As I waved goodbye, a tear came to my eye, and a lump formed in my throat. I couldn’t help but think; this is the beginning.
This is the beginning of the next chapter, which is about letting go and sending off.
It’s what we do, we raise our kids with hope and pride, and thoughts that this little baby is going to grow up and be a good, strong, trustworthy person. And that is what we have done!
It’s so hard to believe, and how bittersweet it is, but it’s time. To let go and send off.
Here’s to the 2 beautiful babies in this picture! How I have watched you grow! With great heads, and big hearts, and work ethics that won’t quit, I wave with love to you both!
And even though I am going to shed some tears over the next few months as we gear up to August, don’t mistake them for sadness. It’s much more about sweetness, instead of sadness, and the great love that I have within me, for you.
With Love to Tyler,