
Where were you at 10?

July 25, 2019

I heard something this week:

The snapshot of who you were at 10 is very similar to who you are in adulthood.  

The way you make your money, how you spend your time outside of work, and what your temperament and demeanor are.  Can you look back and see it?

I thought that was interesting…so I thought of me at 10.

I had a ponytail at 10, which still sits at the back of my head on many days.  

Even though I don’t do nearly as many cartwheels as I did then, I can still bang one out with ease, which I think speaks to my activity level–moving all the time.

But I couldn’t really remember what career path I was on at that age.  I bounced around a bit during my younger years, but I did happen to think about something that was hidden in my desk.

I pulled it out to look at the date. Interesting…

Pictured above clearly backs up that when I was 10 I was doing the same thing that I do today: I run a news publication and communications business. 

When I was 10, in 1984, (I was exactly 10 on the date of this first edition) no one had any idea that much of our news would be delivered at our fingertips at any time of day. Email what? Internet, wifi, websites? We had no clue and didn’t realize the steep learning curve that was ahead of us.

But when I think back to this little paper that I put out for our street, I feel as if I am looking in the mirror at who I am today. I was delivering news, I was writing, I was directing. 🙂

And much like today at 44, at 10 I was happy and content too. 

Where were you at 10?

