And thank goodness it is!
In terms of years, 2024 has been among the most challenging of my 50.
In January, the year “2024” got right up in my face and said, “Kate! Pay attention! You are going to learn now, or else!”
So, with only one choice, I set about and worked on learning my lessons because I had to. They were not to be ignored any longer.
You have probably heard this before–but I will remind you:
We don’t make changes in our lives unless we are uncomfortable.
Unfortunately, I have a very high pain tolerance. 🙂
Everything this year was taught through my business–because MAC is at the heart of who I am–also what I consider to be my 4th child. I love my work! I love what I do! There is no better way to learn than through what matters to us most–and the universe knows this.
It’s a very good thing I love my work. I held on for dear life while making change after change after change. And I am sure there will even be more changes in 2025–hopefully at a much slower pace.
I am so thankful for the people I work with every day. They have been supportive and willing. Every day last year, there seemed to be more twists, turns, and changes that the team had to adapt to. Thank you…sincerely.
But with hard work and determination, we have laid the groundwork for a much more grounded 2025.
If you recall, my word for 2024 was TRACTION. Remember that post?
Traction finally culminated in mid-December. I didn’t think it was ever going to get here. At least now, we are in the blocks and ready to run when the starting gun gets fired next week. Things are still a bit slippery, but with more sure footing and the traction we found this past year, I am optimistic.
So that brings me to my word for 2025.
Given the chaos of change in 2024, my word is rather boring–but it will act like a soothing balm to our 2024 fatigued bodies.
Coming after a year of significant change and evolution, keeping things stable with minimal change is just what the doctor has ordered.
I feel a sense of calm within myself–and my goal is to spill that out of me with every decision and choice I make in 2025. I feel much more sure-footed. I will be honest, I had no idea what was coming at me last year at this time, when I think back–and it was only a few weeks into 2024 when it all hit, and the curtain started to reveal that it was going to take a bit more hard work and endurance than I had figured to find the traction I was looking for. But we have prevailed and will keep after it.
Let’s not look back for too long, only forward as we stand at the start of a new year. Keep your eyes fixated on the horizon and where you are going. Don’t look down, only up, towards the light–even if it’s only a very small sliver–with conviction, tenacity and love, the light will grow. Keep going…
Onward and upward! You are loved!
Just me,