Yesterday, I was walking on the beach in Fort Myers, Florida, and today, I am bound for the mountain air of Denver, Colorado. Commodity Classic, here I come! I’m looking forward to a fast, whirlwind two days. There are so many people to see and meet. I already feel my head spinning because my dance card is packed full. If you are there and want to connect, send…
Who is going to the Commodity Classic in Denver? ME! And I am so excited! I have never been to Denver, and I have never been to a Commodity Classic. The Morning Ag Clips has been supporting this major ag event for years…I thought it was about time I checked it out and met all of you who will be there. What do I want to know? …
My head is swimming, and I am feeling overwhelmed! Why can’t things be easy?? The other day, when I was out for my walk, the strangest thought came into my head–at least for me. I thought about robberies. I thought about crime. And I thought about how lucky we are not to have much of that here in our little farming village. But do we? At least it doesn’t…
I don’t know about you, but I get charged up at any agricultural conference. Sign me up! Business Acumen, Social Marketing, Being a Business Partner… I attend as many different breakout sessions as possible. My mind becomes buzzed with ideas and to-dos as I listen to the speakers – and then I hit the trade show floor. WOW! ZING! That bag, you know the one? It’s the one…
I would like to introduce you to 5 very important friends of the Morning Ag Clips: Reliability, Integrity, Authenticity, Teamwork, and Joy. This group of five is considered our inner circle, the core. It is the team we go to at the Morning Ag Clips when we need a reminder of who we are and what our purpose is every day. These 5 dig in, roll their sleeves…
Owning a small business is like wrestling with a beast every single day. It’s a beast that plays with your life savings, and toys with your retirement, daring you to jump into the abyss of failure when things get tough and you must get going. The Beast forces you to stare the balancing act of managing employees and wanting to give them the world despite what the numbers…
Ever seen one of these? I would be shocked if you hadn’t. They are a staple on our farm– a calling card. The yellow Genex Breeding Card. Never throw one out. It might have a valuable piece of information on it, scrawled in hen scratch, smeared with grease and oil–even an occasional splat of manure. On my home farm, my uncle was famous for using brown paper towels as…
It’s a podcast kind of world, helping us to collect many grains of sand along the way. With busy schedules and minimal time, it’s nice to multitask by taking information auditorily. Recently I have had the opportunity to speak with 2-podcasters and be a guest on their shows. It was a lot of fun! Thank you, Chrissy Wozniak of North American Ag and Matt Brechwald of Off Farm Income.…
It’s the clinking of glasses, the spread of amazing food, and the twinkling candle light nestled in nooks all over the warmly lit house. It can be one of the most magical times of the year. Last night we had the office Christmas party, here at my house. Unfortunately we didn’t have the entire Morning Ag Clips crew, but we had most! 8 out of the 11, not…
We thought it would be fun for you to hear more from the rest of us so we talked Kate into these takeovers! I get to go first because I HAVE to make amends for that terrible photo she shared of us getting those fabulous donuts in Vermont a few weeks ago! For the record, I was trying not to look down at the donuts while looking at…