


I read your article on daylight savings time. I wonder if we can petition to have this eliminated?

March 16, 2022

As you wrote, you are tired and out of sorts, and for no good purpose. I am in the middle of my lambing season, so you can imagine how I feel between that and the time change! Maybe you can address the possibility of New Yorkers petitioning whoever is “in charge” to get rid of Daylight savings time. What would we have to do? My brother lives in…


Question: As a mother, how do you discuss with your children the best way to handle a difficult teacher?

March 18, 2021

Dear Reader, Oh, those difficult teachers… I have 3 kids, 18, 16, and 11. We have had our share of challenging teachers. I will never forget the day my 3rd grader came out of the school on the last day of school, stuffing back the tears because of the very challenging teacher that he had been assigned. It was so heartbreaking. I responded with, “Don’t you worry. You…


Question: Kate, how do you stay active? You write about stacking wood and working outside as a kid but how do you stay active now with a desk job and 3 kids?

March 18, 2021

Dear Reader, Thank you for reaching out about this. It’s really hard to find the time to stay active and workout, yet so necessary for my sanity, despite the struggle to keep up the routine of it. That is one key though, ROUTINE. Think about your day, and when it makes the most sense to fit it in. And then commit to it. Put it in the calendar,…