
Question: Kate, how do you stay active? You write about stacking wood and working outside as a kid but how do you stay active now with a desk job and 3 kids?

March 18, 2021

Dear Reader,

Thank you for reaching out about this.

It’s really hard to find the time to stay active and workout, yet so necessary for my sanity, despite the struggle to keep up the routine of it.

That is one key though, ROUTINE. Think about your day, and when it makes the most sense to fit it in. And then commit to it. Put it in the calendar, remind the people in your life that the time is yours and necessary to keep you happy. For me, the most realistic, untouchable time is at 5 am. It’s a stinker, I won’t try to sugar coat it. The other key to this is ACCOUNTABILITY. I am an absolute bear in the early morning but I managed to find 2 other people who work out with me–and put up with my sour, early morning mood. (Thank you, Dan and Ken). They keep me accountable. It’s magic. Pretty much we all complain every morning about it, but getting on the zoom call is like getting us to the table, and we might as well workout since we all got dressed and out of bed.

Success comes from the schedule, 5 am Monday through Friday–7 am on Saturdays and my 2 workout partners. Without them, I would have quit long ago or been more haphazard all over the boards.

I am personally committed to staying active, every day. If you don’t move, your body will decline. Get to it! You got this!

With love,

