As you wrote, you are tired and out of sorts, and for no good purpose. I am in the middle of my lambing season, so you can imagine how I feel between that and the time change! Maybe you can address the possibility of New Yorkers petitioning whoever is “in charge” to get rid of Daylight savings time. What would we have to do? My brother lives in Arizona where they never change their clocks.
Dear Reader,
Thank you so much for reaching out on Monday. By the way, I am still feeling exhausted from the time change! LOL
The petition idea is a good one. I never thought of that and will ask people in my circle who I should petition, or maybe there is a petition started that I would be happy to sign? Either way, I think that it is time to be done with this archaic institution, and not better time to start the process than now. I appreciate the encouragement and I will think on how I can make it happen. Have a great day and I am thankful for your readership! Good luck with the lambs!
With love,