
Give Me Time

May 31, 2018

May and June have hit like a tornado, and it has gotten out-of-control busy in a hurry.

All the demands of the school year ending, the culmination of spring sports, a yard that is growing right before my very eyes, and a workload that keeps on coming (which is good) is all very much in the here and now.

It’s easy to forget what truly matters because you are just trying to stay on the hamster wheel.

Anybody out there with me on this?

I have a sampler that hangs in my dining room.  This always reminds me to get off of the wheel, take a breath, and see the good … instead of just the busy.

There is so much to take in if we just take the time.  

I hope that you can find some wisdom in this sampler to help remind you during your times of busy.

Give Me Time

Time for patience

For understanding too

Time to remember

Thoughtful deeds to do

Time to believe in

All fellowmen

Time to perceive

The value of a friend.

Spring is here in full force; ground yourself, and don’t let all the busy swallow you alive.

Have a great week!



