
Happy Thanksgiving

November 23, 2017

Hard to believe, it’s here.  Where has the year gone…

Feels like just yesterday we were here, in NH, celebrating 2016 Thanksgiving.

This is our Thanksgiving Day:

The week started out with Tyler’s first buck—a beautiful 8-pointer.   Go Tyler!

This morning, my dad and Tyler and Jacob are piling wood before the feast..Trixie is supervising  😉

Sam is helping in the kitchen..

My mother is busy making the table beautiful, her forte, and this is one of our family favorites…the Shrub.  A nice way to cleanse the pallet before the Turkey; cranberry juice and orange sherbet.  My favorite!

And me, I am bouncing between all activities, thinking about the blessings in my life.  How we have grown and changed, had wins, had losses this year…all of which I am thankful for.

But mostly, I am thankful for all of these people..

I hope all of you are enjoying your day of thankfulness.  Don’t rush the day, no holiday shopping please.  Just peace and thankfulness…

Here is the Prayer of Thanksgiving

“We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing. He hastens and chastens His will to make known. The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing. Thy name be ever praised. He forgets not his own. Beside us to join us. Our God with us joining. Ordaining maintaining His Kingdom always. So from the beginning the fight we were winning. Thou Lord was at our side. To Thee be all praise. We all do extol Thee our leader triumphant, and pray that Thou still our defender will be. Let Thy congregation escape tribulation. Thy Name be ever praised oh Lord make us free.”

With much gratitude,


