In the blink of an eye, it’s high school graduation. How did this happen so fast? Where was I? I was changing diapers, doing laundry, and cuddling away a fever. I was running crazy schedules around practices and games, helping with homework, wiping away tears, and enjoying the little kid’s laughter. I was planning birthday parties and silently praying while watching them launch off of a bicycle jump…
15 years ago, being a mother was doing tubs in the kitchen sink and then tucking three little boys into their beds every night. Now it’s a “Mom, I am home” at 1 in the morning after they have come in from being out with their friends. I think about all the days I balanced a child on my hip while I made supper or filled sippy cups…
Every fall nostalgia kicks in. Maybe it’s the natural ebb and flow of life, things start to die back this time of year and bodies go into hibernation. For whatever reason though, I pull back the cobwebs that have been in the back of my mind, and in the cleaning process, it triggers this sense of needing to feel close to my roots, my home, and where I…
The holidays are going to seem a little different this year. Our plans have had to change due to the pandemic, and the reality is setting in as to how vigilant we still need to be. Last weekend we decided, as a family, that we were all going to stay put. Stiff regulations on how we can travel to other states as New Yorkers helped along the decision…