
It's time

Oh, how they grow

Graduation Weekend June 26, 2023

In the blink of an eye, it’s high school graduation.  

How did this happen so fast? Where was I?

I was changing diapers, doing laundry, and cuddling away a fever.

I was running crazy schedules around practices and games, helping with homework, wiping away tears, and enjoying the little kid’s laughter.

I was planning birthday parties and silently praying while watching them launch off of a bicycle jump in the driveway.

But I was also contentedly sipping coffee on those early mornings when my boys played in their sandbox before breakfast.

Life was so good.

I ran the roads between lacrosse games, AAU practices, and the golf course.  

I was at the store buying school concert clothes at the 11th hour, sitting at well-child visits, and cleaning up after stomach bugs in the middle of the night.

I was cheering loudly from the gym bleachers, quietly waiting in the car on cold winter nights for practices to be over, and washing whites for the county fair.

And, I thought the world was right and well when the kids were bathed and tucked into their beds at night after a busy day of playing outside.  

How kids grow
Friends growing up together


Today, I quietly reflect, on my newest high school graduate, Jacob.

It’s bitter, and it’s sweet, and it’s amazing, all in one fell swoop.  It makes my heart swell when I think about the path we have been on with him.  

I wonder where his path will lead him next–while we watch from the sidelines.

Nobody tells you before you have children how much you can love. It’s impossible to understand the completely unfathomable.  

You will feel their feelings harder.  With every defeat and success, it’s amplified beyond what words could ever define—only to be felt with every beat of your heart.

So, once again, I am here.  It’s certainly not any easier, the second time around, letting a child go to the world.  However, I feel proud and excited for Jacob’s future.  It has been a busy blur over the past two weeks, celebrating his high school accomplishments.  A rush of feelings and excitement while we close one chapter and eagerly anticipate the next.

Goodbye Greenwich Central High School, thank you.

Watch out, Michigan State University, because here comes Jacob!  

Congratulations to my baby #2—you did it!

With love always,


