


It’s a podcast kind of world

February 5, 2023

It’s a podcast kind of world, helping us to collect many grains of sand along the way. With busy schedules and minimal time, it’s nice to multitask by taking information auditorily.   Recently I have had the opportunity to speak with 2-podcasters and be a guest on their shows.   It was a lot of fun!  Thank you, Chrissy Wozniak of North American Ag and Matt Brechwald of Off Farm Income.…


Top thoughts for this November

November 15, 2020

Sometimes it’s nice to do a quick inventory and weigh in on yourself and what’s going on in your mind. Here’s where I’m at; feel free to respond with your list.   And cheers to a mid-November Monday morning! Big question on my mind: Why do car salespeople have to be so pushy?  They treat buying a car like going to the grocery store for food. Just put it…