

Just get ’em on the bus!

Always be on the lookout May 24, 2019

Last week I wrote about being an entrepreneur and some of the things that go into it.   #4 on my list was about Team; the people who work with you and for you. The question that always comes up is how do you find good people to work alongside you everyday? Let me begin..

When I go to my inbox I usually have at least one solicitation from a job recruiting website; ZipRecruiter, Glassdoor, Indeed, just to name a few.

Although these services might work well for finding highly specialized employees or succeed in filling positions for super large companies that are hiring and firing every day, I am not so sure how practical they are for a small business owner like me that operates in rural America.

People usually don’t relocate to a place for a job unless it pays a lot of money or they have family that live nearby. I am here to tell you that most small businesses operate on a shoestring, they don’t have large payrolls and feel that it is always hit or miss on getting lucky with “family members” that are coming back into town.

One might say that Small Town, America is not necessarily a place where highly qualified people are lurking around every corner...or are they?

I have always firmly believed in the old adage, “Get the right people on the bus and then put them in the right seat.”

Always keep your eyes and ears open to people opportunity.  It’s as easy as talking to the person behind the counter at your local coffee shop or buying nails at the hardware store. What is their vibe?  Do you connect with them? Do they have a demeanor that is similar to your’s and is welcoming to possibility? Does that person have an outlook on life that is familiar to you?

This is where the file in your mind should begin.

You never know when that person is going to be looking for a change or when you or your boss might need someone.  It never hurts to approach and put it out there that you or someone you know might be looking for some help. Let them bite if they are so inclined.

As an employer I have never been as concerned about skill set as I have been about personality and integrity, positivity and cooperative behavior.  And more importantly, a desire to have a similar quality of life.

When I identify a person that I know who has those qualities that resonate with me, I search high and low in my mind for that spot where they might fit into my organization.  When I am ready, I approach, and I go from there.

Usually what happens is that I get that person hired but get them in the wrong seat on my bus.  Either it doesn’t feel right or I flush out another skill set. When I see a spark within them I know that is where their seat should be.  Finding the spot where they shine helps the business thrive and grow.

And sometimes a person comes to me before I am ready for them. Yikes!  What do you do?

Get ‘em on the bus!  And then figure their placement and how they will bring more productivity and profitability to your business.

I know, I know.  It’s not really that easy, there are lots of details to figure out.  What I am suggesting is that you consider how to be creative so that you don’t lose a great people opportunity.  If the creative solution comes easy, then you know the time is right to bring them on board. If it’s not easy, then you know the timing is off and maybe you can pick them up at the next bus stop.  😉

You want your coworkers or your employees to be happy, to be comfortable in their seat.  Better yet, you want them to look forward to their ride with you everyday because their seat feels so good! When they shine you know that you are getting the best out of them, hence the best for the business.  

What I am challenging you to do is to be proactive in looking for your team.  Be open to looking more for personality and attitude rather than just skill set.  You can flush out the rest once you start working together. And by all means, get them on your bus, figure the rest out as it comes to you and evolves with other team members and changes to your business.

Let’s face it, a complete stranger applying for a job is only going to give you their best face at a job interview.  They are only going to give you the names of folks who they think will give the best reference. If you recognize those people around you, everyday in your life that you think will work well, then, when you are ready, or they give a hint about making a move, you can pounce on it.

Surround yourself with people who you know positively have your back and share your vision.  If they have that same belief and value system, I guarantee you that they will be empowered to step up to the plate and give their best to you, your team, and your business.

You may think and feel in your small corner of the world, in rural America, that no one like that exists…but I am here to tell you they do.  You just need to be ready to pull them on the bus when you see one, and find a seat that fits them perfectly. It may take a couple of tries before you get it right, but that’s okay.

Just remember, it takes a bus full of comfortable passengers to ensure that the driver keeps the bus on the road and safely delivers them to their destination.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend.  Hope you are all able to get off the bus for a bit, stretch your legs and enjoy a cookout!

Happy Summer!


