GREENWICH, N.Y. — Today, as we sit with only 10 days until Christmas, take time out of your busy schedule and think about your favorite holiday memory.
What was it? How old were you and where were you?
For me, it was the Christmas that my parents put a cassette deck in our old brown station wagon. (I couldn’t put a finger on a picture before this needed to get in the Clips….but I promise, I will dig one out when I go to my folks’ house over the holidays.)
Remember those? Cassette tapes? The kind that you would use to record the top 40 off the radio every week?
My sisters and I wanted nothing more than to be able to ride down the road in our big brown station wagon, windows rolled down, belting out our favorite songs — over and over and over again.
Many of our friends’ families were starting to have these fancy players in their cars. We thought that the only way it could ever happen was if our parents bought a new car…and we knew that wasn’t happening.
So my parents surprised us on Christmas morning — I think I was 10. They had a tape deck installed in the station wagon. It really was a brilliant idea.
There was no car under the Christmas tree, but there were clues…and let me tell you we were totally stumped. I remember one specific envelope had the clue, “I only work when moving fast.” I recall thinking on this so hard….we never did figure it out. And I remember my dad telling us to put on our boots and coats over our jammies. He took us outside and sat us in the car….and the rest is history.
Well, time has gone by fast, the top 40 songs even faster…but the memory…has lived forever.
During a time of year when we are rushing around thinking mostly about what the tasks are at hand….go back. Have a good memory with yourself, and the ones you love. It really is fun!
Take care, and have a great weekend!