

It’s our responsibility

Habits start early, so it is critical that our youth be given resources to stay informed about ag December 7, 2017

GREENWICH, N.Y. — I received a beautiful note (email) the other day from a teacher. He sent a glowing review about the Morning Ag Clips … which was very thoughtful of him to send and very encouraging for me to read.

But beyond the compliments on style and content, what I felt most proud of was the fact that he shared the Morning Ag Clips with his students every day.

Then I got to thinking some more … isn’t it our responsibility to get our children/students who love agriculture hooked into something every day that keeps them aware of what is going on in our industry?

Habits start early so it is critical that our youth be given a resource of agricultural news to keep them informed about today’s issues.

This is how we are going to grow as an industry, stay ahead in the world, and make our voices heard to lawmakers.

Knowledge provides the power. Personality gives it the action. Numbers get it done.

It’s that simple. Get them all tuned in. Whether it be through a daily podcast, radio program, industry newspaper, newsletter, or the Morning Ag Clips.

The future of agriculture lies within our kids. They are the next generation that is going to feed the world and be a steward to the land.

So I encourage you to find the ag news outlet that works best for your children, students, and peers. Get them tuned in and aware. Encourage learning—every day. Build it into their routine.

Our world will be so much better for it.

Thank you reader, teacher. Thank you for the discussions you lead, the field trips you organize, and the time you spend outside of the classroom that help to foster our youth in agriculture to get in the know.

— Kate

