

October 29, 2023

Things on my mind…

It’s here, the end of summer, finally on October 29th.

I put my flowers to bed for the season yesterday, just in time for the cold, wet weather to arrive this morning. Fall is here in the Northeast.

I cut every possible flower I could find in my garden that still had vitality.  Now, I have beautiful bouquets all over my house, big vases, little vases.  It’s so nice…but fleeting.

Everything is so fleeting…

Halloween.  The days of figuring out costumes for the kids are over.  Now it’s about finding a buddy to hang out with me on my front porch and pass out candy.  

Tyler trick-or-treated until he was 18. Sam, I had to beg to go out every year. He hated Halloween. And Jacob always found his gaggle of friends, and they would throw together something at the very last minute. It was fun…

But so fleeting…

In light of all the bad that is happening in the world, the past week, in particular, has been terrible with a shooting in Maine and the war in the Middle East. When I grew up, the tragedy was the Challenger explosion. We all watched it on TV, and it was the only tragedy I really knew. Now, the kids see tragedy every day. What happened to good? Innocence.

Fleeting... even faster today.

I always get nostalgic this time of year, with the falling leaves, shorter days, and growing kids. With colder weather, we go inside of our homes.  

We go inside of ourselves and think. We hunker down, eat apple bread, and watch a little more TV.  Read a bit more, and rest our weary bones after a busy summer of fun, growing, and harvesting.

I hear the geese overhead, honking as they fly south.  I hear the skitter of the leaves, wind-blown, shuffling over the pavement.

Fall reminds me. Fleeting.

With love,


