I love to bake. Baking is my first go-to when someone needs love and care. I immediately offer up homemade food. It’s what I want to celebrate with: Baked goods! It’s how I want to socialize: A cup of coffee and a freshly made pie. I am completely content and happy to wake up on a Saturday or Sunday morning in the winter, take up residency in my kitchen…
15 years ago, being a mother was doing tubs in the kitchen sink and then tucking three little boys into their beds every night. Now it’s a “Mom, I am home” at 1 in the morning after they have come in from being out with their friends. I think about all the days I balanced a child on my hip while I made supper or filled sippy cups…
It’s Easter season, and I do love Easter candy! When I think of Easter, it always comes back to my sisters and me spending Easter at my grandparent’s house on Cross Street with my cousins and the EB! Easter egg hunts, the ham dinner, and going to church are solidly there in my mind with pictures to boot! But, in a close second for memories is my mother,…
In my household, I have a saying, “Know what you want to take with you, know what you want to leave behind.” If I could bring my mother with me, I would. For this Mother’s Day, I wanted to make a list of all the characteristics that I strive to take with me, from my mother. I attribute so much of how well my kids are doing today,…
On Tuesday, November 5, 1985, my life and the way I think of goodbye changed, forever. Over the last few weeks, I have watched close people in my life suffer through losing people close to them. I have been affected. Loss is a trigger to reflect and go deep within yourself. And even though it may not be your loss, you can’t help but be affected watching people…
On this morning after prom, I am here to say that I think it’s much easier to be the mother of a boy during these occasions. Not nearly as stressful as what it is on the girl side. Mothers of boys spend their “day of” cleaning vehicles, reminding their boys to wash behind their ears, and then attach the boutonnière to their lapel. We give them a quick once…
I feel a deep sense of pride when my children work and play with their father, uncle, grandfather, and each other at the farm. My heart fills up to the brim, on those days when I drop them off in the field to meet a truck, or pull up along side the bunk and watch them hop into the pack tractor. It’s work, but it’s play. It all…
Here’s to Mother’s Day! I thought it would be nice to consider some of the most important lessons that my mother has taught me over my 46 years. Here you go, Mum! This is just my shortlist. 😉 The most important lessons I have learned from my mother: Never take “no” for an answer; just find another way. Ask questions, “Oh sir, sir…” even if it does embarrass…