There’s always one … an unruly heifer in the show string.
For whatever reason, that precious little spring heifer calf from the year before comes out of the barn in June with her nostrils flaring, throwing her head around, and swishing her tail.
In 1990, it was Tootsie,
In 2017, it was Cookie,
And, in 2018, it’s Sprinkles. Not to mention all of the others that came in between.
Snorting, attitudes, putting their heads down and just going–you never know what you are going to get out of them.
It would not be showtime if there weren’t tears over one of these heifers, right?
This is what keeps the ringmaster on his toes, parents holding their breath, and a child on the verge of a show-day breakdown.
So, here we go, 10 days and counting … cheers to the County Fair!
And we will all take a big sigh of relief when Fitting & Showmanship is over 😉