
Happy Memorial Day 2022!

May 30, 2022

Happy Memorial Day!

We celebrated in true “Cilley” style, a trip up to Back Lake, in Pittsburgh, New Hampshire.  It’s a family tradition.

It was a bit different this year.  It was just Sam and me, no Tyler or Jacob.  Tyler is interning in Michigan this summer at a very large cucumber farm.  Jacob’s high school lacrosse team was in a big sectionals game.   

So, off we went and had a great time, but we did miss the other 2 brothers–a lot!

Neither one of us was ready to come home on Monday, but yet, we weren’t doing a very good job at articulating why. So I asked Sam to give me one sentence to describe the long weekend on the way home.  I thought that this might help us understand. This is what his sentence was:

“It was so much fun, but I am not sure why because we didn’t really do anything.”

Then I thought of what my sentence would be.  This is what I came up with:

“We laughed a lot, and didn’t really do anything.”

And maybe that is what was so great about this weekend with my sisters and their families, and my parents.  We didn’t really do anything.  

We disguised the weekend with fishing and a little golf.  It was relaxed.  We didn’t have to worry about too much.  We thought about when we were going to go fishing and what fly we were going to use.  We planned for dinner and decided what time was appropriate for beverages.  

The coffee was long, the reading was interrupted by naps, and the campfire at night was toasty and perfect.

I couldn’t help but conclude that it’s nice to go somewhere that is completely familiar with people who you can let your hair down with…and do nothing, together. And have a great time doing it.

Thanks for a great weekend family. I love spending “nothing” time with you. It’s the “nothing” that fills me up and creates the glue that holds us all together as our family.

With love,


