Dear Readers,
Not only is January a point of new beginnings for me, but September is too.
There is something about the fresh crisp air that sneaks its way into the Northeast, running ahead of the fall foliage, there are whispers, it’s time. It signals the end of a busy, no-schedule summer and reminds me to hop to it and get things back in order and work.
Last week, after a comment from a reader, I thought that I might hit the reset button on my Just Me Kate column … just to make sure everyone was on track, including myself, with what this weekly column from me, Kate, is about every Friday.
For me, writing has always been therapeutic. It’s a way for me to provoke thought within myself, work out problems, and document my life.
I have always kept a journal, from a very young age. These journals weren’t about the weather or the places that I went to, but were more about the heart of the matter … because that is me, it’s who I am. I usually cut right to the chase–as many who know me can probably attest, I am sure. 🙂
My goal every week is to simply write to you, my readers.
Some weeks are about agriculture, and other weeks are not. You will be able to see when life is consuming me and I just didn’t have the wit or the energy to put into a super thought-provoking piece (like last week, sugar fritters). I, too, live the life of a normal and regular working mother in America who struggles to keep her head above water at times.
Other weeks there will be no question about the passion and fire that is behind my writing.
My strong feelings and genuine interest is put out there every week to enlighten you or to push you to demand more of yourself and your world. But other weeks, I may just try to be that simple reminder to you, and even me, that we need to pat ourselves on the back and say the day is done, I am packing it in, and life is good.
I always want to hear from you, even on bad days or when you may disagree with me. I am very thankful for comments.
My intent will never be to offend, so please keep that in mind … but sometimes I do overlook–not on purpose, but because I genuinely did not think of that angle or those reasons. Gentle reminders work well with me, that’s how I learn perspectives and keep myself in check.
If there is anything ever that you want me to address in my column please reach out: [email protected]. If there is a problem that you are trying to work through and you would like a little Kate perspective, ask. I might be able to help.
I love people and all of the problems that go with being human. My column offers me that opportunity to connect with all of you once a week and tackle things with heart. If I could have you all over for coffee and a chat, I would, because I love your stories and I love learning what you are dealing with everyday. Maybe we can do virtual coffee someday down the road? I will get on IT about that. 😉
So, here’s to September–it starts tomorrow. I am excited and ready for fall. I love turtlenecks and apple pie, leaf piles and pumpkins–oh how I love pumpkins.
Take care, all of you!
With much love,