
Peterbilt! Mack! Western Star!

February 20, 2017

GREENWICH, N.Y. — These are my kids…they look like most 7,11 and 14 year olds don’t they?

Minus the goofy picture though, there is something else that sets them apart…

They are farm kids.

If you listen closely you are given cues from the rest of the world that they are a little different from most of their peers, and the following is a situation that spells it out…

A few years ago we were traveling with another family, not of farm roots. They got a kick out of my children’s ability to be able to tell what kind of truck was coming down the highway before the truck was actually right next to us.

To me, this is normal, part of the deal whenever we go anywhere. It keeps everyone entertained so that the rides back and forth to New Hampshire to visit family and go to the lake are less painful.

So to test the kid’s abilities, on this trip, we made a game. At a rest area that we stopped at my older son, Tyler, would shout out the make of the truck, as the truck turned the bend in the highway. Then my middle son, Jacob, confirmed that he was right once it was by us. And of course, Sam cheered! Tyler didn’t miss one.

This game was quite amusing, and really funny. It gives us a chuckle, and occasionally when we see our friends one of their kids will bring it up just by saying Mack! Or Peterbilt!

This, among many other situations that I encounter from time to time makes me think about how interesting my kids are because of the farm piece. I am sure that many of you can relate, as you are raising the same type of children. How lucky we are…

So I decided to create a Top Ten of how you know you are raising a farm kid:

10) Your child’s favorite pair of shoes is their barn boots—the dirtier the better.

9) The rugs in your home become identified by the type of crop that they represent.

8) When you sit down at your kindergartner’s first parent/teacher conference the teacher comments on what an “interesting” vocabulary set your child has.

7) Your child is never fully dressed without their red rag hanging from their back pocket—just like dad.

6) They have complete control of anything that can be driven by the age of 12…and you are totally comfortable with that!

5) Your child has the largest sandbox with the most extensive set of toys of any of their friends.

4) There is no need to explain the birds and the bees.

3) Your child always gets an award for the most unique show and tell items.

2) Your child believes that Bag Balm cures all.

And the #1 way to recognize that your child is a farm kid is…..

1) Your children opt to stay in the barn and pick up manure behind their cows rather than go spend money on the midway at the county fair!

Feel free to add to the list 🙂

