

Procrastination and a case of the guilty pleasures

Donuts, butterflies and football ... oh my! September 27, 2020

Guilty: I am a procrastinator.

And on this particularly beautiful Sunday, I am confessing to procrastination. Cutting flowers, doing laundry, eating … What I really need to do is get into my computer and work.

Where I went awry was yesterday when the guilty pleasures snuck in. They just haven’t let go! 

I started my Saturday off with homemade donuts. Hot out of the fryer, they are to die for.

We all hover around as they get pulled out of the hot lard to cool down. My kids, sisters, nieces and nephews, we are all like vultures. My mother has to shoo us away.

My role in this production is the glaze and the sugar. It’s one thing to eat a plain donut hot, right out of the fryer — yes, that is very good. But it crosses into an entirely different level of heavenliness when you drizzle vanilla glaze over it and then top that with cinnamon sugar.  

I am so guilty of discovering this little sin I can’t even believe it. Man, oh man, is it delectable!  I must have downed the equivalent of four donuts in the span of 15 minutes yesterday. What is wrong with me!?!? Chased with hot, black coffee, and I am bathing in a sea of happiness that stays with me for the rest of the day. What a way to start!

After a day spent enjoying the last warm temperatures of the year on the lake, laziness has followed me back to Greenwich and carried into today.  

With the warm breezes blowing through the house and birds chirping outside, I find my mind wandering to my flowers. A pleasure, absolutely, that lures me in. The last of the zinnia’s and daisies are still blooming. Truly a gift, so I had to cut another few vases to place around the house. 

When out there, I got distracted by a butterfly that had landed on one of the larger blooms and was taking a nice long drink of nectar. It was fascinating to watch.

And it’s a very good thing I have had beautiful weather to draw me outside because the guilty pleasure that surely would have attacked me and aided in procrastination is newly found: The Office.

My children just recently introduced me to Netflix, and how much joy one can find with binge watching something. I will say, I am not a true binger because I usually can’t sit still long enough to watch more than an episode every few days, but when I do, I laugh out loud. My children think it’s a stitch to hear me laughing by myself while I try to chop carrots and watch at the same time.

I wish I had never found that little show; it’s so addicting and funny. Thanks Jakey!!

So here I am, finally finding the wherewithal to sit and write something for all of you to read tomorrow morning. Hopefully tomorrow is more productive for me. 

Maybe I will share with you some of my other sinful pleasures and procrastination points that get me everytime. But for now, I am feeling the pull to see how my Patriots are doing … whoops, did I say I was going to watch football?? I must have slipped and meant to say, check on my inbox … yeah, that’s it. See how my inbox is doing. 😉

But before I do, I want to leave you with this: As we drove home from the lake last night, after what will more than likely be our last day for the year there, I asked the kids what their favorite part of the day had been … because it truly was a gift.

There was one resounding answer that gave me pause. It was the answer that what they loved the most about the lake and the day was not the activities that we did, but rather the people with whom we did them with.

And warmth filled my heart as we trekked home … what more could a mother ask for?

Have a great week everyone!

With love,

