
Just Me Kate


Summer of 1996

April 14, 2024

One of the most influential summers of my life…1996. It changed my trajectory.  I went into the summer as a rising senior from Cornell University, bound for a profession in veterinary medicine.  I had no idea that things were about to change.  Or that it was perfectly okay to make a change. I came out, eyes wide open, bounding for something else. But what? I spent the summer…


Pretty Exciting!

April 7, 2024

I went out for my third Mom’s Day Weekend at Purdue, and what a weekend it has turned out to be. Purdue won their basketball game, and they are headed to the final on Monday night! It was a madhouse here last night. Poor Tyler having to manage his mother in all of it. 🙂 Needless to say, I retired shortly after the game with my travel companion…

Perspective Travel

Linens and Sunshine Back in 1952

February 18, 2024

A couple of weeks ago, I had lunch with a dear friend. She reached out to me in an email and asked if I wanted to have lunch with her…at her house. She wrote, “I know it’s old fashioned and not very fancy, but my hearing is getting quite bad, and it’s easier for me in a home setting.” That sounded lovely to me. When I walked through…


The “Dead Inside” Picture

February 4, 2024

If you are a mom, I am sure you have one.   The picture that captures a moment in time when you are revealed. “I am dead inside from nurturing these children.” If you have been there, you get it. If you are in it, we get it, and we are here to tell you you will get out of it. If you haven’t yet gotten there–you don’t understand,…


Yikes! It’s Cold!

January 21, 2024

Yikes!  It’s cold! (Finally) Ooh, did I say that too loud? I hate the cold, but at the same time, we needed it here in the Northeast.  It was time for the ground to freeze, the ticks to die, and the ski slopes to fully open. And I have kept walking every day, working out, fiercely getting my work done, and eating things like mac and cheese, chocolate cake,…


It’s All in the Recipes

January 14, 2024

I love to bake. Baking is my first go-to when someone needs love and care.  I immediately offer up homemade food. It’s what I want to celebrate with: Baked goods!   It’s how I want to socialize: A cup of coffee and a freshly made pie. I am completely content and happy to wake up on a Saturday or Sunday morning in the winter, take up residency in my kitchen…


Insanity Meets Traction

January 1, 2024

Insanity. “Hello.”   What a trooper you have been, pushing me to accomplish and be more than I ever thought I was capable of this year.   It was insanity that pushed me to “live skinny,” TO THE FULLEST!  I have been insanely polar plunging all year long too.  Truly, a blessing for me, keeping me grounded in this insanely intense year called 2023. But “livin’ skinny” was 2023… bye,…


8 Going On 49

December 20, 2023

Today is the day I turn 49 years old.   It’s going to be a great day!   By the time many of you read this, I will have gone for a walk and plunged into my pool with my crazy plunger friends to celebrate the winter solstice.  This will be chased with a hot cup of coffee to take the chill off and maybe a piece of chocolate, too!…


Ladybug Picnic

December 13, 2023

“1-2-3, 4-5-6, 7-8-9, 10-11-12 ladybugs, at the ladybug picnic.”  Are there any Sesame Street people out there? I grew up on it. Every morning after breakfast, my sisters and I would tune in while my mother got things in order for the day. At the oddest times, it comes back to me.  Something triggers a memory. Like today, Sesame Street poked me, and coming out of its long…