On the 17th of December, we got dumped on with 40 inches of snow.
It was huge. I have lived in the northeast my whole life and have never seen so much snow in one storm.
When I went to bed the night before, I was expecting to wake up to 5 inches or so, maybe.
Instead, at 4:45 a.m. when I let the dog out, we both stared at a wall of snow that dwarfed the poor dog at the top of the step.
Had to be a drift I thought to myself …
I threw on my Carhartt’s and quickly found out it was not a drift. As I stood at the bottom of the steps in snow up to my lower thigh, I knew we were well above the 5-inch mark. Kids?
The kids moved snow all day as it just kept coming down.
I caught it on video. I don’t know why, but I just love watching my kids work together. My heart just swells with love.
I thought I would share this little snippet. In the big scheme of things, it’s the simple things that make a happy life. Family, friends and moving snow together.
Happy New Year everyone. Let’s march into 2021 like we own it!
With love,