


A Choice

November 19, 2023

Thankful is a choice. Daily.  With every moment. It’s a practice.   This article is not about Thanksgiving Day but rather every day. It’s about the big things, like a new baby, a job promotion, and a new love.  They are so easy to be thankful for.   It is the little things, though, that get overlooked and are rarely appreciated that should be celebrated. A hot cup of…



October 29, 2023

Things on my mind… It’s here, the end of summer, finally on October 29th. I put my flowers to bed for the season yesterday, just in time for the cold, wet weather to arrive this morning. Fall is here in the Northeast. I cut every possible flower I could find in my garden that still had vitality.  Now, I have beautiful bouquets all over my house, big vases,…


Help! I Need Glasses

July 16, 2023

Finally, at the age of 48, I need to wear glasses for reading… and for looking at my phone and everything else I hold within my arm’s length.  And it stinks! When did this happen? It’s BEEN happening.  Just ask the kids. The little stinkers laugh and look at each other every time I navigate on my phone, and I have to hold it away from my body. …

Perspective Travel

It’s a Matter of Pride

June 11, 2023

Cleaning camp and driving tractors to school. It’s that time of year, I’m spreading myself in between my home and my camp. Both are anxiously awaiting my planting of flowers, my cleaning up the deck furniture, my dusting away the cobwebs, that have collected all winter. It’s hard. Sometimes I scratch my head and wonder, why do I do all of this? Run around like a crazy woman…


This is one of my hot buttons…

March 19, 2023

This is one of my hot buttons… I abhor daylight saving time.  I hate it.   My body hates it.  My mind hates it. My life hates it.   Does anyone else feel as strongly as I do? The spring, in particular, is my biggest gripe, I don’t have the bandwidth at this stage in my life to lose an hour.   I remember when the kids were little–it was terrible. …


Excuse me, which memory are you?

March 12, 2023

I had an odd thing happen to me the other night at dinner.  I met a friend of mine at a restaurant in Saratoga–The Mouzan House.  I had been hearing wonderful things about the restaurant for years, and it did not disappoint, it was a delicious meal. The restaurant occupies an old brick farmhouse in the middle of Saratoga Springs.  It’s an oasis in the middle of a…


No one understands, like a dairy farmer…

March 5, 2023

The decision has been made, and a deep sadness permeates everything. There are visions of what life will be, how life will feel.  Emptiness. The last headlock clanks, and the pump stops.  Silence fills every space on the farm. A final cow is loaded, and the truck and trailer head down the laneway and out the gate.  It’s over.  The feed wagon will sit idle, and the birds…


I believe in the power of positivity

February 26, 2023

I believe in the power of positivity.  I BELIEVE in the power of the team.  And I believe in the strength of a village. It takes all of us. We are in the thick of playoff season, and our boy’s varsity basketball team survived their first sectional match-up.  Greenwich, 5 cede, was able to eliminate the four cede.  It was a nail-biter, as we did not take the…


Connection with Faith and Farming

January 23, 2023

If you farm, you have faith. We have faith that the rain will spill over from the clouds when it’s dry.  And understand Mother Nature is on her time, not our time. Faith. Farmers have faith that the baby calf is going to live.  Praying that the sparkle comes back to her eyes, her coat shines again, and she jumps up at feeding time.   If the calf takes…

Perspective Travel

The cycle of life

October 3, 2022

It’s been a busy few days! It started with introducing Stephanie to the best donut in Rutland, Vermont.  We needed to be up there to support our friend and had a little time to burn up.  My brain went immediately to my stomach..and Jones’ Donuts.  If you like coconut, and frosting, on a donut, this is the one for you!  Don’t miss it if you are in the…